2 in 1 Silicone Mould
Easy to disassemble and has a non-stick surface, which makes it easy to remove from the mold. Can be used in ovens, microwaves, refrigerators and dishwashers.
KSh400.002 in 1 Silicone Mould
KSh400.00 -
Airbrush Mini Spray Pen
The airbrush comes with a Nozzle Wrench and 1.5 cc Eye Dropper Features: The gravity feed cup is designed with a new funnel shape, for easy clean up and more efficient paint flow short paint passageway from cup to front of airbrush for responsive feel and quick cleaning.It provides superior control of airflow at the head of the airbrush through the Air Control Regulation Valve.
Once you turn of the valve it can instantly take you from full atomization to extra fine detail redesigned trigger mechanism and larger needle-chucking nut for easy assembly.
The Dual-Action (Double-Action),Trigger Air/Fluid Control when one removes the needle and nozzle caps will enable you to spray the full range of texture and stippling effects.
Can be comfortably used when decorating your cakes.
The Package Includes: 1 x Airbrush 1 x Eye Dropper 1 x Nozzle Wrench 1KSh2,300.00 – KSh4,600.00Airbrush Mini Spray Pen
KSh2,300.00 – KSh4,600.00 -
52 Piece Cake Decorating Set
Suitable for most people
52 different types of cake nozzles
KSh800.0052 Piece Cake Decorating Set
KSh800.00 -
Modelling Tools
Material: plastic
Easy to use
Easy to clean
KSh400.00KSh600.00Modelling Tools
KSh400.00KSh600.00 -
Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
This Mold is a very versatile mold, suitable for ice-creams and baked creations.
KSh300.00Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
KSh300.00 -
Cake Leveler
No need to remove unnecessary wires, just raise it to the top. It can be sliced directly, is well made and adjustable, and you can trim and bake at the same time.Heavy duty and sharp cake slicer, keep it tight enough, and keep the blade in the whole place, it is easy to clean it. Before and after each use, clean with a soft damp cloth.KSh1,800.00Cake Leveler
KSh1,800.00 -
Rose/ Heart/ Bow Gift Mold 24 Hole
Has three designs which you can choose from
KSh300.00Rose/ Heart/ Bow Gift Mold 24 Hole
KSh300.00 -
Rose Plastic Cutter 3 piece
Has 3 variable sizes inside
KSh200.00Rose Plastic Cutter 3 piece