Pre-Cut Bags
The pre-cut bags measures 8 by 11 inches and comes in different colors for one to choose from.
KSh5.00Pre-Cut Bags
KSh5.00 -
Master Disposable Piping Bags
- Strong, disposable bags
- Can be used with or without nozzles.
- Simply cut the end of the bag to its desired size.
KSh10.00 – KSh350.00Master Disposable Piping Bags
KSh10.00 – KSh350.00 -
Grease Proof Paper
- Grease Proof Paper or parchment paper is mainly used in baking or to wrap food.
- Cake making is so much better when a cake is easily removed from the pan.
- Non-stick since it is placed at the bottom of your cake pan to prevent sticking and promote even cooking.
- When the cake doesn’t stick at the bottom of the pan, clean-up is a snap.
KSh70.00 – KSh2,900.00Grease Proof Paper
KSh70.00 – KSh2,900.00 -
12 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray
The 12 hole non-stick cupcake tray is used for baking perfect little cupcakes and deep-filled jam tarts.
Constructed from thick commercial-grade carbon steel for incredible durability and will not flake or warp.
With two layers of Quantum II, for outstanding non-stick performance – with no PTFE or BPA
KSh550.00KSh1,150.0012 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray
KSh550.00KSh1,150.00 -
Plastic Cake Dowels
Available in three sizes:3.5 Inch/9 cm4.6 Inch/126.3 Inch/16KSh50.00 – KSh80.00Plastic Cake Dowels
KSh50.00 – KSh80.00 -
Double Chocolate Bar Mold
One has an option of making tiny chocolates and normal sized chocolates.
KSh300.00Double Chocolate Bar Mold
KSh300.00 -
Silicone Piping Bags
Durable silicone cake decorating bags are designed for repeated use. But to decorate cakes with your kids and friends with different icing colors or decorating patterns, you may need more than one piping bags.
KSh150.00 – KSh300.00Silicone Piping Bags
KSh150.00 – KSh300.00 -
Cookie Cutters
Can as well be used in making homemade sandwich pies with filling biscuits and cookies.
KSh170.00KSh200.00Cookie Cutters