4 Piece Scrapper Set
available in different colors while stock last
KSh400.004 Piece Scrapper Set
KSh400.00 -
Carlex Spray
Carlex Spray is also available in aerosol. This version is time-saving and convenient. The handy aerosol is ideal for use in the shop and bake-off situations. Our Carlex Spray is without palm oil.
KSh1,100.00Carlex Spray
KSh1,100.00 -
Silicone Egg Molds shaped
These egg chocolate molds are made of silicone material, which are reliable and durable, not easy to break or deform, no bad smell, lightweight and portable to use, can be applied for a long time.
KSh250.00Silicone Egg Molds shaped
KSh250.00 -
Pallet Knife ( Angled ).
Pallet knives are stainless steel ,black handle, knives specially designed for spreading picking up and generally handling pastry paste eg; applying frosting on a cake.
KSh250.00 – KSh500.00Pallet Knife ( Angled ).
KSh250.00 – KSh500.00 -
Push Easy Cutters Uppercase
- The cookie stamp impress are ideal for making cakes, biscuits, chocolate, cake decoration, and marzipan. This cake’s fresh tools will make you enjoy baking and help you make great gifts. It is essential kitchen tools
Set of Measuring cups & spoons.
Measuring cups & spoons are used for measuring different amounts of ingredients in either liquid or dry when cooking.
Measuring cups & spoons can be made of plastic, metal, or other materials and are available in many sizes.
KSh250.00Set of Measuring cups & spoons.
KSh250.00 -
KSh230.00 – KSh400.00
3 piece Scraper Set
- The handy 3 piece Scraper set is great for getting the last of the dough out of a bowl, or for leveling cakes before baking and smoothing icing
- Has an easy grip for ease of use and is dishwasher safe
- Ideal for use with royal icing & buttercream
KSh300.003 piece Scraper Set
KSh300.00 -
Fondant Smoothers
- Fondant Smoothers is an essential tool for shaping and smoothing rolled fondant on your cake.
- Works great on top, edges, and sides!
- Shapes fondant to sides of the cake so that no puffed areas appear.
- Trim any excess with a sharp knife.
KSh200.00Fondant Smoothers