Sugarflair 24 Carat Silver Leaf Transfer
Comes as one sheet only
KSh500.00Sugarflair 24 Carat Silver Leaf Transfer
KSh500.00 -
Sugar flair Edible Lustre Dust
Brush onto sugar flowers to give a truly realistic appearance, or to fully color or highlight surface decoration. They are packed in a 2g vialsPowder color can also be used to color sugar paste, Royal icing White Chocolate and brushing onto sugar work and in particular flowers.KSh500.00Sugar flair Edible Lustre Dust
KSh500.00 -
Chefmaster Airbrush Gold
Achieve an endless spectrum of magnificent colors with these intermixable airbrush colors.
KSh450.00Chefmaster Airbrush Gold
KSh450.00 -
Sugarflair 24 Carat Gold Leaf Transfer
Comes in one sheet
KSh600.00Sugarflair 24 Carat Gold Leaf Transfer
KSh600.00 -
Rejuvenator Spirit
It has a variety of uses, mixes with colorings easily to create a paint, and dries on the surface of your icing very quickly. This has the advantage that you can add further layers to your painting without delay. It is excellent for diluting and thinning.
KSh350.00Rejuvenator Spirit
KSh350.00 -
Edible Dust
Show off your advanced baking skills with our 30-g jar of eatable color dust powder for cakesKSh500.00Edible Dust