6-hole Non-stick Muffin Tray
- 6-hole Non-stick Muffin Tray / Baking Pan, 35 x 22cm.
- grey in color
KSh1,000.006-hole Non-stick Muffin Tray
KSh1,000.00 -
Bunny Silicone Mold
These molds are suitable for baking mousse, cake, French dessert, Valentine chocolate, ice cube, candy, cheese cakes, fondant, chocolate, candy, cake decoration, soap, candle, wax and more.
KSh350.00Bunny Silicone Mold
KSh350.00 -
Stainless Measuring Cups and Spoons
- 5 measuring cups: ⅛ Cup (30ml), ¼ Cup (60ml), ⅓ Cup (80ml) & ½ Cup (125ml), 1 Cup (250ml)
- 5 measuring spoons: ¼ Tsp(1.25ml), ½ Tsp(2.5ml), 1 Tsp(5ml), ½ Tbsp(7.5ml), 1 Tbsp(15ml)
KSh1,400.00Stainless Measuring Cups and Spoons
KSh1,400.00 -
Silicone Cavity Leaf Mold (10 holes)
comes in pink with 10 holes ensuring that there is room for more
KSh350.00Silicone Cavity Leaf Mold (10 holes)
KSh350.00 -
Stainless Steel Double Boiler(600 ml)
Perfect for small to medium double boiler recipes/projects; Also can be used as a normal or keep-warm sauce container.
KSh350.00Stainless Steel Double Boiler(600 ml)
KSh350.00 -