Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
Alphabet cutters great for home baking DIY with your families, A to Z alphabet and exclamation mark for any age and any name you like. The letters include all 26 letters, 0-9 numbers and symbols &, !, ?, #.
KSh450.00Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
KSh450.00 -
Cake Ruler
Cake ruler and marker are used to measure and mark cakes for easy leveling.
When you need to stack up more than two cakes you can use this ruler to measure all the cakes to make sure they are evenly leveled.
It gives your cake a perfect finishing.
KSh499.00KSh800.00Cake Ruler
KSh499.00KSh800.00 -
Leaves Pink Shape
These molds are safe to use in ovens, microwaves, dishwasher, and refrigerator.
KSh250.00Leaves Pink Shape
KSh250.00 -
RoHS Weighing Scale (10 Kg)
The petite baking scales turn off automatically after two minutes of inactivity which prolongs the life of replaceable AAA batteries. The LCD makes the weight readable.
KSh800.00RoHS Weighing Scale (10 Kg)
KSh800.00 -
Pearl Applicator
Made of food grade plastic and Silicon(The Tip), durable and sturdy.
KSh450.00Pearl Applicator
KSh450.00 -
Silicone Honey Comb Mold
You can create your own special fondant, gum paste, candies, chocolates, polymer clay and more with this miraculous mold.
Has 9 sections which ensures the design made are uniform
KSh350.00Silicone Honey Comb Mold