Delight Hive Fondant
Available in 1 kg
KSh500.00 – KSh960.00Delight Hive Fondant
KSh500.00 – KSh960.00 -
Non-Stick Loose Bottom Round Tin
The bottom is detachable
KSh500.00 – KSh1,500.00Non-Stick Loose Bottom Round Tin
KSh500.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
Sugarflair 24 Carat Silver Leaf Transfer
Comes as one sheet only
KSh500.00Sugarflair 24 Carat Silver Leaf Transfer
KSh500.00 -
Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
available in 500 g
KSh550.00Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
KSh550.00 -
Altinmarka Cocoa
- Altinmarka Cocoa Is an intense flavor that is well suited for use in making brownies, cookies, and some chocolate cakes
- it creates a leavening action that causes the batter to rise when placed in the oven.
KSh600.00 – KSh2,400.00Altinmarka Cocoa
KSh600.00 – KSh2,400.00