24 piece cake decorating tips
- The 24 piece cake decorating tip set of decorating piping tips will allow you to beautifully decorate cakes and cupcakes.
- Each set contains 24 stainless steel piping tips and one reusable plastic coupler.
- The coupler allows you easily to switch tips while piping to try different designs
KSh1,000.0024 piece cake decorating tips
KSh1,000.00 -
5 piece kitchen utensil
The 5 piece kitchen utensil includes:
- Spatula, Spoon, Basting brush, Egg whisk, and slotted turner
- It has a hygienic solid coating – no room for bacteria to grow
- Won’t break, rust, or stick – dishwasher and oven safe
- They are heat, stain, and odor resistant for lasting quality and condition
- The handles are well designed for optimal comfort
KSh1,000.005 piece kitchen utensil
KSh1,000.00 -
Gold Wine Holder
Brings beautiful finish to all your occasions.
KSh1,000.00Gold Wine Holder
KSh1,000.00 -
Puratos Purple Velvet ( 1 kg)
Made with Natural Colors.
KSh1,000.00Puratos Purple Velvet ( 1 kg)
KSh1,000.00 -
Bluebead Whipped Cream Powder
Available in 1 kg
KSh1,100.00Bluebead Whipped Cream Powder
KSh1,100.00 -
Super Veg Vanilla Eggless
INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, sugar, Milk solids, Wheat starch, Emulsifiers, Raising agents, Dextrose, Stabilizer, Salt, Flavoring (Vanilla)
KSh1,150.00Super Veg Vanilla Eggless
KSh1,150.00 -
Glass Wine Holder
Overall wine rack is made of bold wire, put the bottle and the goblet stable.The base of rack is skid proof, neither scratch desktop, also let the wine rack placed secure again.KSh1,200.00Glass Wine Holder
KSh1,200.00 -
Zesta Icing Sugar
Used in making frostings for beautifully iced cakes, dusted fruits and glazed desserts.
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00Zesta Icing Sugar
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00 -