Avengers 4 Piece Set Figurines
Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk 4 Action Figure will do the work for you.KSh800.00Avengers 4 Piece Set Figurines
KSh800.00 -
52 Piece Cake Decorating Set
It comes with 48 nozzles
1 Silicone Piping Bag
2 Couplers
1 Clear Container
KSh800.0052 Piece Cake Decorating Set
KSh800.00 -
RoHS Weighing Scale (10 Kg)
The petite baking scales turn off automatically after two minutes of inactivity which prolongs the life of replaceable AAA batteries. The LCD makes the weight readable.
KSh800.00RoHS Weighing Scale (10 Kg)
KSh800.00 -
Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)
Stability in the cooking and freezing processes.No artificial flavors and no artificial colors.KSh880.00Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)
KSh880.00 -
Chamdor Sparkling Wine
- It uses only the highest quality of the Chenin Blanc and Muscat varieties from the vineyards in the Robertson wine district.
- The grapes have a high sugar concentration and low acidity, making the drink smooth, sweet and sensational.
KSh900.00Chamdor Sparkling Wine
KSh900.00 -
Opal Pastry Margarine
100% vegetable margarine with excellent plasticity and freezer compatibility. Perfectly suited for craftsmen making high quality laminated pastry looking to improve their enterprise.
KSh900.00Opal Pastry Margarine
KSh900.00 -
Elly’s Eggless Blue Velvet Cake Mix
Available 1 kg
KSh900.00Elly’s Eggless Blue Velvet Cake Mix
KSh900.00 -
Elly’s Eggless Tempting Chocolate Cake Mix
Available in 1 kg
KSh900.00 -
Elly’s Eggless Heavenly Vanilla Cake Mix
Available in 1 kg
KSh900.00Elly’s Eggless Heavenly Vanilla Cake Mix
KSh900.00 -
Non-Stick Loose Bottom Square Tin
The bottom part is easily detachable
KSh900.00 – KSh1,500.00Non-Stick Loose Bottom Square Tin
KSh900.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
6-hole Non-stick Muffin Tray
- 6-hole Non-stick Muffin Tray / Baking Pan, 35 x 22cm.
- grey in color
KSh1,000.006-hole Non-stick Muffin Tray