Flour Sieve Shaker Cup
Stainless steel fine mesh, high efficiency, not afraid of flour splashing.
KSh450.00Flour Sieve Shaker Cup
KSh450.00 -
Unicorn Horn
Dimensions: 10 x 4 cmTip: For a easy release, put the mold in a freezer for about 30 seconds, or bit longer if needed. Once the gum paste has hardened up a bit, turn the mold over, and the figurine should pop out easily.KSh450.00Unicorn Horn
KSh450.00 -
Dried Blueberry Fruits
Dried Blueberry Fruits can be used in baking all your cupcake, cookies and cakes since they are light and fluffy, and have great flavor.
KSh470.00 – KSh2,200.00Dried Blueberry Fruits
KSh470.00 – KSh2,200.00 -
- Soft Gel Paste used to add flavour to your cake, cupcakes and muffins.
- Comes in different colours
KSh480.00 – KSh550.00Americolour
KSh480.00 – KSh550.00 -
Push Easy Number Cutters
Push Easy Number Cutters– Mini – Number is a set of 10 plunger cutters.
Besides, it is very easy to use. Just cut out your number by using the outer edge of the cutter. The plunger can also help you to push out your shape once it’s cut. Then, it is ready for you to place on your cakes or cookies.
Cake decorating has never been so simple thanks to our Push Easy Number Cutters. This set of 10 number allows you to simply and quickly cut out numbers for your celebration cakes and cupcakes.
So, simply roll out your chosen medium. Then, cut out your required number and push the plunger to release the embossed edged number and place it on your cake or cupcake! Use with sugar paste, flower paste, marzipan, pastry.
KSh500.00KSh700.00Push Easy Number Cutters
KSh500.00KSh700.00 -
24 Hole Silicone Ball Shaped Mold
Easy to use and clean
KSh500.0024 Hole Silicone Ball Shaped Mold
KSh500.00 -
Hexagon Baking Tins
Its high quality, reusable, durable making practical cakes which are remarkably suited for anniversary, birthday celebration or wedding.
KSh500.00 – KSh1,100.00Hexagon Baking Tins
KSh500.00 – KSh1,100.00