Push Easy Cutters Uppercase
- The cookie stamp impress are ideal for making cakes, biscuits, chocolate, cake decoration, and marzipan. This cake’s fresh tools will make you enjoy baking and help you make great gifts. It is essential kitchen tools
Sugarflair Chocolate Paint Coloring
Available in:SilverGoldKSh600.00Sugarflair Chocolate Paint Coloring
KSh600.00 -
Fondo Roll
Has a control elasticity to handle easily even upon covering large surfaces. Keeps structure upon cooling over night.
KSh750.00Fondo Roll
KSh750.00 -
Pradip Caramel Essence Dark
Pradip Caramel Essence Dark can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh150.00 – KSh650.00Pradip Caramel Essence Dark
KSh150.00 – KSh650.00 -
Pradip Chocolate Essence
Pradip Chocolate Essence will enhance your premixes for the chocolate flavor in your brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,700.00Pradip Chocolate Essence
KSh200.00 – KSh1,700.00 -
Pradip Coconut Essence
Pradip Coconut Essence will add a unique coconut flavor taste to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and whipping cream both dairy and non-dairy.
KSh170.00Pradip Coconut Essence
KSh170.00 -
Blossom Gluten Free Flour
- Blossom Gluten Free flour is used as a substitute for wheat flour in cooking or Baking.
- The organic gluten flour comes carefully crafted having a mix of cassava flour, tapioca starch and xanthan gum.
KSh310.00Blossom Gluten Free Flour
KSh310.00 -
KSh230.00 – KSh400.00