Mixed Sugar Pearls
Come in different sizes ensuring that your cake has an awesome finish.
KSh200.00Mixed Sugar Pearls
KSh200.00 -
Happy Birthday Gold Acrylic Toppers
Available in gold white and gold black
KSh100.00Happy Birthday Gold Acrylic Toppers
KSh100.00 -
Silicone Piping Bags
Durable silicone cake decorating bags are designed for repeated use. But to decorate cakes with your kids and friends with different icing colors or decorating patterns, you may need more than one piping bags.
KSh150.00 – KSh300.00Silicone Piping Bags
KSh150.00 – KSh300.00 -
Edible glittery gold stars
Use on top of candy, candy coatings, frostings, icings, fudges, donuts, chocolates, ice creams, chips, popcorn, yogurts, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, pies and whipped cream.
KSh100.00 – KSh1,000.00Edible glittery gold stars
KSh100.00 – KSh1,000.00 -
Pradip Vanilla Essence Clear
Pradip Vanilla Essence Clear can be added to the water being steeped for the dessert. Vanilla extract is a stronger, liquid form of the flavoring and is often used to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh170.00 – KSh1,700.00Pradip Vanilla Essence Clear
KSh170.00 – KSh1,700.00 -
- Soft Gel Paste used to add flavour to your cake, cupcakes and muffins.
- Comes in different colours
KSh480.00 – KSh550.00Americolour
KSh480.00 – KSh550.00 -
Cookie Cutters
Can as well be used in making homemade sandwich pies with filling biscuits and cookies.
KSh170.00KSh200.00Cookie Cutters
KSh170.00KSh200.00 -
JB Alkalized Cocoa Powder
- Jb Alkalized Cocoa Is an intense flavor that makes it well suited for use in brownies, cookies, and some chocolate cakes.
- it creates a leavening action that causes the batter to rise when placed in the oven.
KSh320.00 – KSh1,250.00JB Alkalized Cocoa Powder
KSh320.00 – KSh1,250.00 -
Black Treacle
- Black treacle is a thick, dark, sugar syrup containing molasses to create a somewhat bitter flavor.
- Black treacle is a crystallized syrup made during the refinement of sugar. Usually used in baking as a sweetener,
- It is used to give a rich, caramel flavor to sticky toffee pudding, ginger cakes, fruit cakes
- Use Black treacle as a sweetener in cakes bread, toffee, biscuits, sauces, and casseroles
- 500gms
KSh300.00Black Treacle