3 Piece White Plastic Dowels
Comes as a set of three.
Each dowel measures approx 9.5 inch (24.5cm) long x 0.4 inch (1cm) diameter, these dowel rods can definitely hold the weight of a cake.Easy to use, insert into tiers as dowel rods. Dowels can be cut to desired size using a serrated knife or scissor.KSh90.00 – KSh150.003 Piece White Plastic Dowels
KSh90.00 – KSh150.00 -
Gold Chocolate Coins
- Gold chocolate coins are covered chocolates in the shape of coins.
- Wrapped chocolate coins mimicking coins of several currencies.
- Chocolate coins, or chocolate money, are foil covered chocolates in the shape of coins.
KSh100.00 – KSh530.00Gold Chocolate Coins
KSh100.00 – KSh530.00 -
Super Veg Vanilla Eggless
INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, sugar, Milk solids, Wheat starch, Emulsifiers, Raising agents, Dextrose, Stabilizer, Salt, Flavoring (Vanilla)
KSh1,150.00Super Veg Vanilla Eggless
KSh1,150.00 -
Pradip Strawberry Essence Dark
Pradip Strawberry Essence Dark will add a unique coconut flavor taste to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and whipping cream both dairy and non-dairy.
KSh170.00 – KSh850.00Pradip Strawberry Essence Dark
KSh170.00 – KSh850.00 -
Zesta Icing Sugar
Used in making frostings for beautifully iced cakes, dusted fruits and glazed desserts.
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00Zesta Icing Sugar
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00 -
Delight Hive Fondant
Available in 1 kg
KSh500.00 – KSh960.00Delight Hive Fondant
KSh500.00 – KSh960.00