Stainless Steel 10 L Mixer Stand Alone
KSh58,000.00 -
Non-Stick Loose Bottom Round Tin
The bottom is detachable
KSh500.00 – KSh1,500.00Non-Stick Loose Bottom Round Tin
KSh500.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
Pearl Applicator
Made of food grade plastic and Silicon(The Tip), durable and sturdy.
KSh450.00Pearl Applicator
KSh450.00 -
Cookie Cutters
Can as well be used in making homemade sandwich pies with filling biscuits and cookies.
KSh170.00KSh200.00Cookie Cutters
KSh170.00KSh200.00 -
Silicone Honey Comb Mold
You can create your own special fondant, gum paste, candies, chocolates, polymer clay and more with this miraculous mold.
Has 9 sections which ensures the design made are uniform
KSh350.00Silicone Honey Comb Mold