Modelling Tools
Material: plastic
Easy to use
Easy to clean
KSh400.00KSh600.00Modelling Tools
KSh400.00KSh600.00 -
Cake Decorating Turntable 11″ Diameter
- Sturdy, wide base delivers wobble-free rotation to help you decorate precisely
- Rotating base features circular markings to help make sure your cake is perfectly centered
- Perfect for icing, borders and levelling cakes . Make your life easy for decorating cakes with your own style and in very less time.
KSh700.00Cake Decorating Turntable 11″ Diameter
KSh700.00 -
KSh230.00 – KSh400.00
Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3
Snowflake Plunger Cutters is ideal for making decorations or cupcake toppers for Christmas or winter-themed cakes. This set of 3 snowflake cutters will allow you to make snowflakes of different sizes and the plungers make them so easy to use! These cutters can be used with sugar paste (ready to roll icing or fondant), marzipan, or even claydough. Why not use a lustre dust or spray on your snowflakes to make them sparkle and shimmer.
25mm, 40mm, 55mmKSh200.00Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3
KSh200.00 -
Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
Alphabet cutters great for home baking DIY with your families, A to Z alphabet and exclamation mark for any age and any name you like. The letters include all 26 letters, 0-9 numbers and symbols &, !, ?, #.
KSh450.00Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
KSh450.00 -
Carlex Spray
Carlex Spray is also available in aerosol. This version is time-saving and convenient. The handy aerosol is ideal for use in the shop and bake-off situations. Our Carlex Spray is without palm oil.
KSh1,100.00Carlex Spray
KSh1,100.00 -
12 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray
The 12 hole non-stick cupcake tray is used for baking perfect little cupcakes and deep-filled jam tarts.
Constructed from thick commercial-grade carbon steel for incredible durability and will not flake or warp.
With two layers of Quantum II, for outstanding non-stick performance – with no PTFE or BPA
KSh550.00KSh1,150.0012 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray
KSh550.00KSh1,150.00 -
Push Easy Cutters Uppercase
- The cookie stamp impress are ideal for making cakes, biscuits, chocolate, cake decoration, and marzipan. This cake’s fresh tools will make you enjoy baking and help you make great gifts. It is essential kitchen tools
Cake Ruler
Cake ruler and marker are used to measure and mark cakes for easy leveling.
When you need to stack up more than two cakes you can use this ruler to measure all the cakes to make sure they are evenly leveled.
It gives your cake a perfect finishing.
KSh499.00KSh800.00Cake Ruler
KSh499.00KSh800.00 -
Pre-Cut Bags
The pre-cut bags measures 8 by 11 inches and comes in different colors for one to choose from.
KSh5.00Pre-Cut Bags
KSh5.00 -
9pcs paint brush
The 9pcs paintbrush is used to apply paint or sometimes ink. A paintbrush is usually made by clamping the bristles to a handle with a ferrule.
Available in various sizes, shapes, and materials.
Thicker ones are used for filling in, and thinner ones are used for details.
They may be subdivided into decorators’ brushes used for painting and decorating and artists’ brushes use for visual art.
KSh1,000.00KSh1,899.009pcs paint brush