Chess 16 Cavity Mold
Our chess shape silicone mold is featured with chess shape design, which can bring you vivid chess effect. Just add various embellishment and fillers like crystal, stone, glitter, dry flowers, sequins or any elements you like, to use your imagination to create personalized chess and chess board.The molds are ideal for beginners and skilled people.KSh300.00Chess 16 Cavity Mold
KSh300.00 -
Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
This Mold is a very versatile mold, suitable for ice-creams and baked creations.
KSh300.00Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
KSh300.00 -
Blossom Gluten Free Flour
- Blossom Gluten Free flour is used as a substitute for wheat flour in cooking or Baking.
- The organic gluten flour comes carefully crafted having a mix of cassava flour, tapioca starch and xanthan gum.
KSh310.00Blossom Gluten Free Flour
KSh310.00 -
JB Alkalized Cocoa Powder
- Jb Alkalized Cocoa Is an intense flavor that makes it well suited for use in brownies, cookies, and some chocolate cakes.
- it creates a leavening action that causes the batter to rise when placed in the oven.
KSh320.00 – KSh1,250.00JB Alkalized Cocoa Powder
KSh320.00 – KSh1,250.00 -
Blue Bead Sauce
Available in two flavors:
KSh330.00 – KSh750.00Blue Bead Sauce
KSh330.00 – KSh750.00 -
Candy Thermometer
5. 9 inches long probe: Habor meat thermometer is highly sensitive to provide a fast and accurate reading within 5 seconds 5. 9 inches long probe keeps you from burning your hands while measuring water or something else
KSh350.00Candy Thermometer