Puratos whippak whipping cream
Puratos whippak whipping cream is the perfect base to make your own customized fillings, like for example, diplomat cream or the perfect chocolate mousse. When blended with dairy cream, Whippak adds extra stability and performance. Of course, Whippak can also be used pure, either as a filling or as decoration.
Before use, chill the product for at least 12hours. The product can be used on its own or mixed with sugar or cold milk. It is a non-dairy cream with a neutral taste which never conflicts with the taste of your flavoring agents.
KSh700.00Puratos whippak whipping cream
KSh700.00 -
Puratos Ambiante cream
Puratos Ambiante cream is a non-dairy cream designed for extra stable cake decorations.
Its sweetness, white color, and smooth texture makes it ideal for finished goods decorations can for several days
Chill before use and whip at a medium speed to achieve the desired consistency.
KSh750.00Puratos Ambiante cream
KSh750.00 -
Puratos Mixed Berry Filling
Puratos Plus Mixed Berry contains 40% berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries) and is a ready-to-use filling for sweet goods.
KSh150.00 – KSh500.00Puratos Mixed Berry Filling
KSh150.00 – KSh500.00 -
Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)
Stability in the cooking and freezing processes.No artificial flavors and no artificial colors.KSh880.00Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)
KSh880.00 -
Puratos Purple Velvet ( 1 kg)
Made with Natural Colors.
KSh1,000.00Puratos Purple Velvet ( 1 kg)
KSh1,000.00 -
Puratos Brillo Neutral Glaze
Brilllo is ready to use, has great consistency and you can color and flavor it as you like.
KSh730.00Puratos Brillo Neutral Glaze
KSh730.00 -
Puratos Mimetic Pastry Margarine (2 kg)
Peace of mind due to price volatility of butter, Great workability, Improved freshness on the shelf and Delicious authentic taste.
KSh2,500.00Puratos Mimetic Pastry Margarine (2 kg)
KSh2,500.00 -
Puratos Red Velvet Flour
- Puratos Red Velvet all-purpose Flour cake mix gives you a longer freshness, with notes of chocolate and cheese taste.
- Gives longer freshness
- Notes of chocolate and cheese taste
- Packaging: 2.5 kgs in a bag
- Shelf life: 6 months. The delivered product would have at least 50% of the declared shelf life
- Vegetarian
- Shelf life: 6 months. The delivered product would have at least 50% of the declared shelf life
- Vegetarian
KSh250.00 – KSh800.00Puratos Red Velvet Flour
KSh250.00 – KSh800.00 -
Puratos Madeira Cake Premixe Flour
- Puratos Madeira Cake Premixe Flour has a longer shelf life Equals less wastage. (4-5 days)
- Brilliant volume lower scaling weight more g.p.
- Rich butter flavor that will make the customer want more
- Guaranteed Food safety. Products produced to the highest industry standard.
KSh400.00 – KSh750.00Puratos Madeira Cake Premixe Flour
KSh400.00 – KSh750.00