Candy Icing Sugar
- Candy Icing Sugar is finely ground sugar used for icings, confections.
KSh130.00 – KSh2,600.00Candy Icing Sugar
KSh130.00 – KSh2,600.00 -
Clovers vinegar (700ml)
When it comes to cooking, vinegar has more jobs to do than just appearing as an ingredient in recipes. It can perform miraculous tricks for improving flavor, preserving food, filling in for missing ingredients, and even making food look better.
KSh130.00Clovers vinegar (700ml)
KSh130.00 -
12 hole cupcake boxes white
- The paper boxes keep your delicious cupcakes fresh and moist until they’re ready to eat.
- Easy to assemble in seconds, and the boxes and holders can be folded flat for easy storage after each party or events, saving your kitchen storage space
- Suitable for wedding receptions, birthday parties, baby shower, cupcake party, or another special occasion.
- Large and clear window on the top, perfect to present the fancy cupcakes
KSh130.0012 hole cupcake boxes white
KSh130.00 -
Pradip Coffee Cream Clear
Pradip Coffee Cream Clear can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh130.00Pradip Coffee Cream Clear
KSh130.00 -