Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3
Snowflake Plunger Cutters is ideal for making decorations or cupcake toppers for Christmas or winter-themed cakes. This set of 3 snowflake cutters will allow you to make snowflakes of different sizes and the plungers make them so easy to use! These cutters can be used with sugar paste (ready to roll icing or fondant), marzipan, or even claydough. Why not use a lustre dust or spray on your snowflakes to make them sparkle and shimmer.
25mm, 40mm, 55mmKSh200.00Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3
KSh200.00 -
Bakers Mix
Our Baker’s Mix is a must-have baking ingredient.
This selection of quality seedless raisins, currents, and sultanas are all you need to add a touch of juicy sweetness to your carrot cake, health bars, rusks, and can be used to make tasty hot-cross buns or a deliciously dense and rich fruit cake to celebrate the festive seasons.
KSh250.00 – KSh850.00Bakers Mix
KSh250.00 – KSh850.00 -
Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
Alphabet cutters great for home baking DIY with your families, A to Z alphabet and exclamation mark for any age and any name you like. The letters include all 26 letters, 0-9 numbers and symbols &, !, ?, #.
KSh450.00Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
KSh450.00 -
Carlex Spray
Carlex Spray is also available in aerosol. This version is time-saving and convenient. The handy aerosol is ideal for use in the shop and bake-off situations. Our Carlex Spray is without palm oil.
KSh1,100.00Carlex Spray
KSh1,100.00 -
Lato Butter
Lato Butter is creamy and very delicious.
Made from whole milk with salt added during its production.
Contains no preservatives
The butter is creamy, luscious, and absolutely delicious with a number of uses.
Used for spreading, for baking, and acts as an alternative to cooking oil.
Made using a state-of-the-art butter churning machine.Butter is rich in fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin E.
KSh450.00 – KSh800.00Lato Butter
KSh450.00 – KSh800.00 -
Silver Square Cake Stand
Silver Square Cake Stand is a multi-layered or single-layered stool-like hosting object.
Usually with a supporting spin in the middle, parallel plates, and plates arranged by size with the largest plate at the bottom.
The plates are usually circular and are connected to the posts with a mechanical fastener.
The shape and size of the posts vary based on design.
KSh18,000.00Silver Square Cake Stand
KSh18,000.00 -
Silver round Cake Stands
- Perfect for a wedding or celebration cake
- Lovely SILVER colored finish, which can be wiped clean
- Measures 355mm diameter
- Would take up to a 14″ cake board without any overhang
- Gorgeous design to showcase your cake creation!
KSh16,000.00Silver round Cake Stands
KSh16,000.00 -
Eid Mubarak topper
The Eid Mubarak topper is lightweight and acrylic placed on top of the cake.
KSh250.00Eid Mubarak topper
KSh250.00 -
Puratos Ambiante cream
Puratos Ambiante cream is a non-dairy cream designed for extra stable cake decorations.
Its sweetness, white color, and smooth texture makes it ideal for finished goods decorations can for several days
Chill before use and whip at a medium speed to achieve the desired consistency.
KSh750.00Puratos Ambiante cream
KSh750.00 -
Fondant Baby Booties
Handmade Fondant Baby Boy Boots Cake Topper.
Make your cake look AWESOME with this one of a kind cake topper! Perfect For The Baby Shower!
Approximate size: 8cm length, 3cm height.
Keep at room temperature. Do not place in Refrigerator or Freezer.
KSh350.00Fondant Baby Booties
KSh350.00 -
Pristine cream
- Pristine cream is used in decorating cakes, filling pastries, and easy to add fruit, flavors, and nuts. Before use chill between 7-10 degrees celsius. Whip at medium speed.
- Do not keep finished cakes and desserts near a fan or open windows.
- Whip product for a longer or shorter duration to achieve different textures.
- Smooth over finished cakes with a hot palette knife to increase shine.
KSh600.00Pristine cream
KSh600.00 -
12 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray
The 12 hole non-stick cupcake tray is used for baking perfect little cupcakes and deep-filled jam tarts.
Constructed from thick commercial-grade carbon steel for incredible durability and will not flake or warp.
With two layers of Quantum II, for outstanding non-stick performance – with no PTFE or BPA
KSh550.00KSh1,150.0012 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray