Clovers vinegar (700ml)
When it comes to cooking, vinegar has more jobs to do than just appearing as an ingredient in recipes. It can perform miraculous tricks for improving flavor, preserving food, filling in for missing ingredients, and even making food look better.
KSh130.00Clovers vinegar (700ml)
KSh130.00 -
Stainless Steel Star cookie cutter set of 5
- Great for making star Linzer cookies,3d Christmas tree cookies, and star cookies.
- Comes in 5 different size:(from small to large)-1.6 ,2.4, 3.2, 3.9, 4.6 in (4 , 6, 8 , 10 , 11.7cm)
KSh350.00 -
Alphabet mould/Word Shape
- Flexible and reusable, great for baking cookie, chocolate, and cake decoration.
- Perfect for many home parties and festivals, like birthday parties, friends party, and children’s parties.
KSh300.00Alphabet mould/Word Shape
KSh300.00 -
Wilton Colors
- The Wilton colors selection of food coloring and food dye helps add a pop of color to baking projects.
- These products unleash a rainbow of colorful opportunities.
KSh350.00Wilton Colors
KSh350.00 -
Silver Cupcake Cases
- Silver Cupcake Cases come in a paper form perfect for office, weddings, and children’s birthday cakes.
- Medium size
- Silver in color
KSh250.00KSh375.00Silver Cupcake Cases
KSh250.00KSh375.00 -
Puratos Red Velvet Flour
- Puratos Red Velvet all-purpose Flour cake mix gives you a longer freshness, with notes of chocolate and cheese taste.
- Gives longer freshness
- Notes of chocolate and cheese taste
- Packaging: 2.5 kgs in a bag
- Shelf life: 6 months. The delivered product would have at least 50% of the declared shelf life
- Vegetarian
- Shelf life: 6 months. The delivered product would have at least 50% of the declared shelf life
- Vegetarian
KSh250.00 – KSh800.00Puratos Red Velvet Flour
KSh250.00 – KSh800.00 -
Puratos Madeira Cake Premixe Flour
- Puratos Madeira Cake Premixe Flour has a longer shelf life Equals less wastage. (4-5 days)
- Brilliant volume lower scaling weight more g.p.
- Rich butter flavor that will make the customer want more
- Guaranteed Food safety. Products produced to the highest industry standard.
KSh400.00 – KSh750.00Puratos Madeira Cake Premixe Flour
KSh400.00 – KSh750.00 -
Golden Syrup
- Golden Syrup is used for making cakes such as the chocolate fudge
- Fudge icing
- Fudge itself
KSh200.00Golden Syrup
KSh200.00 -
PJ Mask Toppers
Your kids’ favourite cartoon characters, PJmasks , moulded into cake toppers suitable for a spectacular birthday and serve as recollectibles.
KSh1,500.00PJ Mask Toppers