Acekool/Cntronic Stand Mixer
Available in 7.8 L
KSh17,000.00Acekool/Cntronic Stand Mixer
KSh17,000.00 -
Elly’s Eggless Red Velvet Cake Mix
Available in 1 kg
KSh900.00Elly’s Eggless Red Velvet Cake Mix
KSh900.00 -
Elly’s Eggless Heavenly Vanilla Cake Mix
Available in 1 kg
KSh900.00Elly’s Eggless Heavenly Vanilla Cake Mix
KSh900.00 -
Elly’s Eggless Tempting Chocolate Cake Mix
Available in 1 kg
KSh900.00 -
Sunflower Silicone Mold
The mold is smooth and soft, easy to be molded, easy to use and clean ,can be reused.
KSh250.00Sunflower Silicone Mold
KSh250.00 -
Eurocas Blueberry Filling (2.6 Kg)
Available in 2.6 kg
KSh2,200.00Eurocas Blueberry Filling (2.6 Kg)
KSh2,200.00 -
6 in 1 Silicone Mold
Carefully made of Food Grade Soft Silicone, eco-friendly and easy to carefully clean.
KSh800.006 in 1 Silicone Mold