Wire Whisk
In cooking, a wire whisk is used for ALL sorts of things. It is a multi-purpose tool that has a place in every kitchen. It can be used to beat eggs for an omelette, make buttercream, create foamy or stiff-peaked egg whites, whip cream, or essentially add air into any kind of batter or substance.
A handheld wire whisk is usually made of stainless steel, although some varieties are coated in silicon. The silicon kinds are best sued on non-stick surfaces like pans, where a metal implement should not go. But if you only need one whisk, a standard wire whisk is the way to go.
KSh350.00Wire Whisk
KSh350.00 -
Blossom Gluten Free Flour
- Blossom Gluten Free flour is used as a substitute for wheat flour in cooking or Baking.
- The organic gluten flour comes carefully crafted having a mix of cassava flour, tapioca starch and xanthan gum.
KSh310.00Blossom Gluten Free Flour
KSh310.00 -
White Square Normal Cake Boards
The White Square Normal Cake Boards are thick square boards that are ideal for cake packaging.
Made of thick Corrugated board and covered with silver shiny foil.
They can withstand the weight and pressure of tiered cakes.
KSh35.00 – KSh100.00White Square Normal Cake Boards
KSh35.00 – KSh100.00 -
KSh35.00 – KSh100.00
White Round Normal Cake Boards
KSh35.00 – KSh100.00 -
Set of Measuring cups & spoons.
Measuring cups & spoons are used for measuring different amounts of ingredients in either liquid or dry when cooking.
Measuring cups & spoons can be made of plastic, metal, or other materials and are available in many sizes.
KSh250.00Set of Measuring cups & spoons.
KSh250.00 -
Thermo Standard pastry piping bag
Cone/ triangular-shaped, hand-held, grease proof piping bag used to pipe pastry by pressing them through a narrow opening at one end, for purposes such as cake decoration.
KSh350.00 – KSh800.00Thermo Standard pastry piping bag
KSh350.00 – KSh800.00 -
Fresh Edible Strawberries
The Fresh Edible Garden Strawberries is a widely grown hybrid of the species-genus Fragaria, which is cultivated worldwide for its fruit. The fruit is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness.
KSh150.00Fresh Edible Strawberries
KSh150.00 -
Pallet Knife ( Angled ).
Pallet knives are stainless steel ,black handle, knives specially designed for spreading picking up and generally handling pastry paste eg; applying frosting on a cake.
KSh250.00 – KSh500.00Pallet Knife ( Angled ).
KSh250.00 – KSh500.00 -
Pallet Knife (Straight)
Pallet knives are Stainless steel,black handle, knives specially designed for spreading, picking up and generally handling pastry paste eg; applying frosting on cake.
KSh250.00 – KSh500.00Pallet Knife (Straight)
KSh250.00 – KSh500.00