Pristine cream
- Pristine cream is used in decorating cakes, filling pastries, and easy to add fruit, flavors, and nuts. Before use chill between 7-10 degrees celsius. Whip at medium speed.
- Do not keep finished cakes and desserts near a fan or open windows.
- Whip product for a longer or shorter duration to achieve different textures.
- Smooth over finished cakes with a hot palette knife to increase shine.
KSh600.00Pristine cream
KSh600.00 -
Digital Kitchen Weighing Scale
The Digital Kitchen weighing scale is an electronic device used for measuring the weight of your ingredients and any other food. Using a Digital Kitchen scale results in a more accurate and consistent measurement of your ingredients than when measuring it using volume.
KSh600.00 – KSh3,000.00Digital Kitchen Weighing Scale
KSh600.00 – KSh3,000.00 -
Altinmarka Cocoa
- Altinmarka Cocoa Is an intense flavor that is well suited for use in making brownies, cookies, and some chocolate cakes
- it creates a leavening action that causes the batter to rise when placed in the oven.
KSh600.00 – KSh2,400.00Altinmarka Cocoa
KSh600.00 – KSh2,400.00 -
Manual Cake Airbrush
- The handy manual cake decorating pump is great for beginners when it comes to cake decorations or seasoned professionals.
KSh600.00KSh1,000.00Manual Cake Airbrush
KSh600.00KSh1,000.00 -
Sugarflair Chocolate Coloring
available in 36 g.
Comes in:
Light blue
KSh600.00Sugarflair Chocolate Coloring
KSh600.00 -
Sugarflair 24 Carat Gold Leaf Transfer
Comes in one sheet
KSh600.00Sugarflair 24 Carat Gold Leaf Transfer
KSh600.00 -
Fondant Extruder
A variety of different carving shapes and sizes to meet all your needs in craft project. Best tools for new beginner.
KSh600.00Fondant Extruder