Clovers vinegar (700ml)
When it comes to cooking, vinegar has more jobs to do than just appearing as an ingredient in recipes. It can perform miraculous tricks for improving flavor, preserving food, filling in for missing ingredients, and even making food look better.
KSh130.00Clovers vinegar (700ml)
KSh130.00 -
Colorful Measuring Cups
- This colorful set of measuring cups features 5 different sizes.
- The stackable space-saving design allows you to nest the 5 measuring cups . Each cup will fit inside a larger one, reducing the total size to a minimum.
- The cups can be used to measure dry and liquid ingredients Ideal for baking cakes, cookies, and bread.
- Each cup has easy to read markings on the handgrip in US cup or US tablespoon units as well as milliliters.
- The measuring cups are dishwasher safe, but they can not be used in a microwave or oven.
KSh250.00Colorful Measuring Cups
KSh250.00 -
Ginger Powder
Ground ginger, sometimes labeled powdered ginger, is made by simply drying out peeled fresh ginger root, then grinding it to a fine powder. It is pale yellow in color and should have a pungent, spicy smell to indicate freshness.Available at easy bake supplies.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00Ginger Powder
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00 -
Edible Graduation hat
- Edible Graduation hat is made of edible fondant
KSh300.00 – KSh350.00Edible Graduation hat
KSh300.00 – KSh350.00 -
Square Cake Dummies
- The Square Cake Dummies are great for practicing and displaying cake decorations.
- Can be used instead of a real cake to add an inexpensive layer to a tiered wedding cake.
- Made from high-quality polystyrene bead foam.
- The smooth edges and light polystyrene allow one to place down your fondant and other materials over the edge.
- Prevents long-lasting waste and saves time and effort with practice that’s affordable and easy to manipulate
- Can be washed and reused to redecorate for another occasion.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00Square Cake Dummies
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00 -
Round Cake Dummies
- The Round Cake Dummies are great for practicing and displaying cake decorations.
- Can be used instead of a real cake to add an inexpensive layer to a tiered wedding cake.
- Made from high-quality polystyrene bead foam.
- The smooth edges and light polystyrene allow one to place down your fondant and other materials over the edge.
- Prevents long-lasting waste and saves time and effort with practice that’s affordable and easy to manipulate
- Can be washed and reused to redecorate for another occasion.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00Round Cake Dummies
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00 -
Stainless Steel Star cookie cutter set of 5
- Great for making star Linzer cookies,3d Christmas tree cookies, and star cookies.
- Comes in 5 different size:(from small to large)-1.6 ,2.4, 3.2, 3.9, 4.6 in (4 , 6, 8 , 10 , 11.7cm)
KSh350.00 -
Alphabet mould/Word Shape
- Flexible and reusable, great for baking cookie, chocolate, and cake decoration.
- Perfect for many home parties and festivals, like birthday parties, friends party, and children’s parties.
KSh300.00Alphabet mould/Word Shape
KSh300.00 -
34 piece decorating cake turntable
The 34 piece decorating cake turntable includes: Cake Turntable,1 Icing Spatula,24 Stainless Icing Tip,1 Pastry Bags,1 Cake Brush,1 Cake Cutter,1 Cake Pen,3 Cake Scrapers used for making some great recipes of cakes, cupcakes, donuts, pastries, and cookies.
KSh2,300.0034 piece decorating cake turntable