Clovers Castor Sugar
It is not for I icing, frosting or buttercream.
KSh140.00 – KSh3,450.00Clovers Castor Sugar
KSh140.00 – KSh3,450.00 -
Digital Kitchen Weighing Scale
The Digital Kitchen weighing scale is an electronic device used for measuring the weight of your ingredients and any other food. Using a Digital Kitchen scale results in a more accurate and consistent measurement of your ingredients than when measuring it using volume.
KSh600.00 – KSh3,000.00Digital Kitchen Weighing Scale
KSh600.00 – KSh3,000.00 -
Grease Proof Paper
- Grease Proof Paper or parchment paper is mainly used in baking or to wrap food.
- Cake making is so much better when a cake is easily removed from the pan.
- Non-stick since it is placed at the bottom of your cake pan to prevent sticking and promote even cooking.
- When the cake doesn’t stick at the bottom of the pan, clean-up is a snap.
KSh70.00 – KSh2,900.00Grease Proof Paper
KSh70.00 – KSh2,900.00 -
Zesta Icing Sugar
Used in making frostings for beautifully iced cakes, dusted fruits and glazed desserts.
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00Zesta Icing Sugar
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00 -
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,600.00
Supreme Pastry Margarine
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,600.00 -
Candy Icing Sugar
- Candy Icing Sugar is finely ground sugar used for icings, confections.
KSh130.00 – KSh2,600.00Candy Icing Sugar
KSh130.00 – KSh2,600.00 -
Puratos Mimetic Pastry Margarine (2 kg)
Peace of mind due to price volatility of butter, Great workability, Improved freshness on the shelf and Delicious authentic taste.
KSh2,500.00Puratos Mimetic Pastry Margarine (2 kg)
KSh2,500.00 -