Colorful Confetti Balloon
- Our balloons come prefilled with the confetti
- Adds style to your venue/party
- Makes a ideal gift
KSh40.00Colorful Confetti Balloon
KSh40.00 -
Birthday Topper Set with Confetti Balloon
- 1 x gold happy birthday cake topper
- 1 x gold confetti balloon cake topper
- 4 x fan flower cake toppers
KSh200.00 -
Pradip Strawberry Essence Clear
Pradip Strawberry Essence Clear will add a unique coconut flavor taste to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and whipping cream both dairy and non-dairy.
KSh170.00 – KSh1,250.00Pradip Strawberry Essence Clear
KSh170.00 – KSh1,250.00 -
Pradip Coffee Cream Clear
Pradip Coffee Cream Clear can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh130.00Pradip Coffee Cream Clear
KSh130.00 -
Pradip Apple Cream Clear
Pradip Apple Cream Clear can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh100.00Pradip Apple Cream Clear
KSh100.00 -
Pradip Pineapple Essence Clear
Pradip Pineapple Essence Clear will enhance your premixes for the chocolate flavor in your brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh170.00Pradip Pineapple Essence Clear
KSh170.00 -
Pradip Pineapple Essence Dark
Pradip Pineapple Essence Dark will enhance your premixes for the chocolate flavor in your brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh170.00 – KSh750.00Pradip Pineapple Essence Dark
KSh170.00 – KSh750.00 -
Pradip Caramel Cream Clear
Pradip Caramel Cream Clear can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh170.00Pradip Caramel Cream Clear
KSh170.00 -
Pradip Caramel Essence Dark
Pradip Caramel Essence Dark can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh150.00 – KSh650.00Pradip Caramel Essence Dark
KSh150.00 – KSh650.00 -
Pradip Lemon Oil
Pradip Lemon Oil Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh200.00Pradip Lemon Oil
KSh200.00 -
Pradip Lemon Dark
Pradip Lemon Dark Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh190.00Pradip Lemon Dark
KSh190.00 -
Pradip Lemon Clear
Pradip Lemon Clear Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh190.00 – KSh1,500.00Pradip Lemon Clear
KSh190.00 – KSh1,500.00