3 Tier Gold Cupcake Stand
Increases stability and prevents dumping on smooth countertops. The top has a hollow handle designed for easy movement.KSh500.003 Tier Gold Cupcake Stand
KSh500.00 -
Sugarflair 24 Carat Silver Leaf Transfer
Comes as one sheet only
KSh500.00Sugarflair 24 Carat Silver Leaf Transfer
KSh500.00 -
Non-Stick Loose Bottom Square Tin
The bottom part is easily detachable
KSh900.00 – KSh1,500.00Non-Stick Loose Bottom Square Tin
KSh900.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
Puratos Mixed Berry Filling
Puratos Plus Mixed Berry contains 40% berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries) and is a ready-to-use filling for sweet goods.
KSh150.00 – KSh500.00Puratos Mixed Berry Filling
KSh150.00 – KSh500.00 -
Glass Wine Holder
Overall wine rack is made of bold wire, put the bottle and the goblet stable.The base of rack is skid proof, neither scratch desktop, also let the wine rack placed secure again.KSh1,200.00Glass Wine Holder
KSh1,200.00 -
Bunny Silicone Mold
These molds are suitable for baking mousse, cake, French dessert, Valentine chocolate, ice cube, candy, cheese cakes, fondant, chocolate, candy, cake decoration, soap, candle, wax and more.
KSh350.00Bunny Silicone Mold
KSh350.00 -
Merry Christmas Sticker (Assorted)
Each Christmas sticker label measure 1.5 inches in diameter.
KSh250.00Merry Christmas Sticker (Assorted)