Poppy Seeds
The ground filling is used in poppy seed rolls and some croissants and may be flavored with lemon or orange zest rum and vanilla with raisins heavy cream cinnamon and chopped blanched almonds or walnuts added.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,900.00Poppy Seeds
KSh200.00 – KSh1,900.00 -
Pradip Orange Oil
The essence is specially formulated for various food items to make them more delightful.
KSh270.00 – KSh1,900.00Pradip Orange Oil
KSh270.00 – KSh1,900.00 -
pradip peppermint essence
Pradip Peppermint Essence/ Flavour / Flavor is a highly concentrated food flavor or essence with perfect taste and smell.
Available in 50 ml
KSh320.00pradip peppermint essence
KSh320.00 -
Gold Square Cake Drum
Thanks to their gorgeous pattern designed foil and having perfectly smooth edges all around, our corrugated paper boards are great to use as pastry catering trays, you can also use them as stylish pizza bases for pizza catering.
KSh200.00 – KSh420.00Gold Square Cake Drum
KSh200.00 – KSh420.00 -
Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
available in 500 g
KSh550.00Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
KSh550.00 -
Rejuvenator Spirit
It has a variety of uses, mixes with colorings easily to create a paint, and dries on the surface of your icing very quickly. This has the advantage that you can add further layers to your painting without delay. It is excellent for diluting and thinning.
KSh350.00Rejuvenator Spirit