Pradip Passion Clear
Essences add unique flavour to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, juices, sauces, yogurt, smoothies or milkshakes and whipping cream both dairy and non dairy.
KSh170.00Pradip Passion Clear
KSh170.00 -
Cookie Cutters
Can as well be used in making homemade sandwich pies with filling biscuits and cookies.
KSh170.00KSh200.00Cookie Cutters
KSh170.00KSh200.00 -
Glazed Green Cherries
Sweet taste.
KSh180.00 – KSh1,500.00Glazed Green Cherries
KSh180.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
Pradip Glycerine
Glycerine is a sweet colourless and odourless lid\quid. it’s syrupy form makes it a handy ingredient when making fondant as it keeps it soft and pliable.
KSh180.00 – KSh600.00Pradip Glycerine
KSh180.00 – KSh600.00 -
Pradip Pinacolada
Essences add unique flavour to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, juices, sauces, yogurt, smoothies or milkshakes and whipping cream both dairy and non dairy.
KSh180.00Pradip Pinacolada
KSh180.00 -
Glucose Essence Syrup
- Glucose Essence Syrup is ideal for use in confectionery such as hard candies, caramels, jellies, and marshmallows.
- Derived from corn.
KSh190.00 – KSh325.00Glucose Essence Syrup
KSh190.00 – KSh325.00 -
Pradip Lemon Clear
Pradip Lemon Clear Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh190.00 – KSh1,500.00Pradip Lemon Clear
KSh190.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
Pradip Lemon Dark
Pradip Lemon Dark Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh190.00Pradip Lemon Dark
KSh190.00 -
Pradip Passion Dark
These flavors are natural and unsweetened; intended for creative foodies and health-conscious folks; add clean gourmet-quality undertones to your favorite beverages, baking projects, dressings, sauces; create your own blends too
KSh190.00Pradip Passion Dark
KSh190.00 -
Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3
Snowflake Plunger Cutters is ideal for making decorations or cupcake toppers for Christmas or winter-themed cakes. This set of 3 snowflake cutters will allow you to make snowflakes of different sizes and the plungers make them so easy to use! These cutters can be used with sugar paste (ready to roll icing or fondant), marzipan, or even claydough. Why not use a lustre dust or spray on your snowflakes to make them sparkle and shimmer.
25mm, 40mm, 55mmKSh200.00Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3