4 Piece Scrapper Set
available in different colors while stock last
KSh400.004 Piece Scrapper Set
KSh400.00 -
Printed Cake Box
Printed in the outside for show casing to your guests
KSh75.00Printed Cake Box
KSh75.00 -
Fancy cupcake cases
A fabulous fancy cupcake case selection of cupcake cases and muffin cases, including metallic and foil cupcake cases perfect for any occasion. If your party has a theme, take a look at our patterned cupcake cases featuring themes such as Star Wars, superheroes, and princesses – perfect for children’s birthday cakes. We also have a range of cupcake accessories and cake pop accessories, including sprinkles, candy melts, cupcake boxes, and piping bags. If you’re looking for something a bit different to your standard cake cases, why not pick up some cupcake wrappers or baking cups! Take a look at our range of cupcake tins and muffin tins for baking your small cakes and pies in.
KSh300.00Fancy cupcake cases
KSh300.00 -
Carlex Spray
Carlex Spray is also available in aerosol. This version is time-saving and convenient. The handy aerosol is ideal for use in the shop and bake-off situations. Our Carlex Spray is without palm oil.
KSh1,100.00Carlex Spray
KSh1,100.00 -
Pradip Glycerine
Glycerine is a sweet colourless and odourless lid\quid. it’s syrupy form makes it a handy ingredient when making fondant as it keeps it soft and pliable.
KSh180.00 – KSh600.00Pradip Glycerine
KSh180.00 – KSh600.00 -
Silicone Egg Molds shaped
These egg chocolate molds are made of silicone material, which are reliable and durable, not easy to break or deform, no bad smell, lightweight and portable to use, can be applied for a long time.
KSh250.00Silicone Egg Molds shaped