Leaves Pink Shape
These molds are safe to use in ovens, microwaves, dishwasher, and refrigerator.
KSh250.00Leaves Pink Shape
KSh250.00 -
8 Even Leaves Silicone Mold
Flexible, nonstick, easy to release.
KSh350.008 Even Leaves Silicone Mold
KSh350.00 -
Unicorn Horn
Dimensions: 10 x 4 cmTip: For a easy release, put the mold in a freezer for about 30 seconds, or bit longer if needed. Once the gum paste has hardened up a bit, turn the mold over, and the figurine should pop out easily.KSh450.00Unicorn Horn
KSh450.00 -
8 Hole 3D Sea Mold
This silicone mold is completely dishwasher safe. Alternatively simply cleaning with warm soapy water does the job ! Once cleaned place the mold at a storage space far away from direct sunlight until next use.
KSh350.008 Hole 3D Sea Mold
KSh350.00 -
Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
This Mold is a very versatile mold, suitable for ice-creams and baked creations.
KSh300.00Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
KSh300.00 -
Chess 16 Cavity Mold
Our chess shape silicone mold is featured with chess shape design, which can bring you vivid chess effect. Just add various embellishment and fillers like crystal, stone, glitter, dry flowers, sequins or any elements you like, to use your imagination to create personalized chess and chess board.The molds are ideal for beginners and skilled people.KSh300.00Chess 16 Cavity Mold
KSh300.00 -
Silicone Honey Comb Mold
You can create your own special fondant, gum paste, candies, chocolates, polymer clay and more with this miraculous mold.
Has 9 sections which ensures the design made are uniform
KSh350.00Silicone Honey Comb Mold
KSh350.00 -
Silicone Cavity Leaf Mold (10 holes)
comes in pink with 10 holes ensuring that there is room for more
KSh350.00Silicone Cavity Leaf Mold (10 holes)