Colorful Confetti Balloon
- Our balloons come prefilled with the confetti
- Adds style to your venue/party
- Makes a ideal gift
KSh40.00Colorful Confetti Balloon
KSh40.00 -
Birthday Topper Set with Confetti Balloon
- 1 x gold happy birthday cake topper
- 1 x gold confetti balloon cake topper
- 4 x fan flower cake toppers
KSh200.00 -
Gold Crown Number Topper
- The Gold Crown Number Toppers Includes 10 gold acrylic numbers (0-9).
- Each number is topped with a golden crown.
KSh100.00Gold Crown Number Topper
KSh100.00 -
Oh Baby Cake Toppers
- Has a unique design, Perfect for Baby Shower for either a boy or a girl.
- High Quality with the names being written with gold glitter, making them easy to read.
KSh150.00Oh Baby Cake Toppers
KSh150.00 -
Crown Acrylic Happy Birthday Cake Toppers
- They have an elegant design that can match different styles of cakes making them more attractive.
- The Happy Birthday Cake Toppers are suitable for decorating cupcakes and are absolutely perfect for birthdays.
KSh100.00 -
PJ Mask Toppers
Your kids’ favourite cartoon characters, PJmasks , moulded into cake toppers suitable for a spectacular birthday and serve as recollectibles.
KSh1,500.00PJ Mask Toppers
KSh1,500.00 -
Princess Toppers
- Princess Toppers are only for sticking in cake, or cupcakes,
- They add elegance to your Birthday Party.
KSh100.00Princess Toppers
KSh100.00 -
Lightning McQueen topper
Disney’s Lightning McQueen cake topper. Perfect, recommended, for a birthday child.
KSh150.00Lightning McQueen topper
KSh150.00 -
Spiderman Topper
Spiderman topper comes in a range of pre-designed styles. Perfect as a cake topper on children’s birthday cakes
KSh150.00 – KSh1,000.00Spiderman Topper
KSh150.00 – KSh1,000.00