Chess 16 Cavity Mold
Our chess shape silicone mold is featured with chess shape design, which can bring you vivid chess effect. Just add various embellishment and fillers like crystal, stone, glitter, dry flowers, sequins or any elements you like, to use your imagination to create personalized chess and chess board.The molds are ideal for beginners and skilled people.KSh300.00Chess 16 Cavity Mold
KSh300.00 -
Cake Leveler
No need to remove unnecessary wires, just raise it to the top. It can be sliced directly, is well made and adjustable, and you can trim and bake at the same time.Heavy duty and sharp cake slicer, keep it tight enough, and keep the blade in the whole place, it is easy to clean it. Before and after each use, clean with a soft damp cloth.KSh1,800.00Cake Leveler
KSh1,800.00 -
Led Lights Colored (2 meters)
The light are operated by battery, convenient and useful.
KSh150.00Led Lights Colored (2 meters)
KSh150.00 -
Fillable Cake Stand/ Separator
Easy to use for the top, middle or bottom tier as you wish use as a cake stand.The show stopping appearance of a Fill A Tier display adds value to any cakeclear acrylic with straight edges.KSh2,500.00 – KSh4,800.00Fillable Cake Stand/ Separator
KSh2,500.00 – KSh4,800.00 -
Kids Apron
Easy Care & Washable/ Reusable: Machine washable. Wash with cold water, gentle cycle & tumble dry low.
KSh400.00Kids Apron
KSh400.00 -
Black Jeans Apron
Chef Apron with pockets in the front design. Perfect to put your cell phone, pens, notebook, grill slips, meat thermometer and others you need. Convenient for you to store gadgets. Two loops on chest design.
KSh700.00Black Jeans Apron
KSh700.00 -
Flour Sieve Shaker Cup
Stainless steel fine mesh, high efficiency, not afraid of flour splashing.
KSh450.00Flour Sieve Shaker Cup
KSh450.00 -
1 pair oven gloves
These mitts are a crucial tool in the kitchen or for use outdoors grilling.
KSh350.001 pair oven gloves
KSh350.00 -
Single Cupcake Box
Suitable for wedding banquet, birthday party, baby shower, Christmas party, New Year celebration, Halloween party, Thanksgiving party, cupcake party etc. It is the perfect way to pack cakes.
KSh40.00 – KSh50.00Single Cupcake Box
KSh40.00 – KSh50.00 -