Glucose Essence Syrup
- Glucose Essence Syrup is ideal for use in confectionery such as hard candies, caramels, jellies, and marshmallows.
- Derived from corn.
KSh190.00 – KSh325.00Glucose Essence Syrup
KSh190.00 – KSh325.00 -
Thin Gold Round Cake Boards
These gold round thin boards look extremely elegant and are a great alternative from the usual white boards. They can also compliment your cakes if you have used gold to decorate it.
KSh15.00 – KSh130.00Thin Gold Round Cake Boards
KSh15.00 – KSh130.00 -
Edible Pen
- The edible pen includes 10 vibrant colors: red, violet, black, orange, green, yellow, brown, blue, pink and dark green.
- The smooth wide tips allows you to easily color and shade; while the Fine tips helps add precise letters and intricate details.
- Can be used on most smooth dry surfaces, such as marshmallows, fondant, cookies. Do NOT write on cake pops, candy melts and chocolates or any fat based product
- Safe, easy & fun for kids to use. The pen is also suitable for stencil printing, stamping or making graffiti, and do not worry about being eaten because of the food grade edible material.
- Color blends are carefully formulated and manufactured in the United States. Each pen contains food-safe, approved food coloring products – that are also 100% fun!
KSh200.00 – KSh300.00Edible Pen
KSh200.00 – KSh300.00 -
Blossom Gluten Free Flour
- Blossom Gluten Free flour is used as a substitute for wheat flour in cooking or Baking.
- The organic gluten flour comes carefully crafted having a mix of cassava flour, tapioca starch and xanthan gum.
KSh310.00Blossom Gluten Free Flour
KSh310.00 -
Fresh Edible Strawberries
The Fresh Edible Garden Strawberries is a widely grown hybrid of the species-genus Fragaria, which is cultivated worldwide for its fruit. The fruit is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness.
KSh150.00Fresh Edible Strawberries
KSh150.00 -
Heart Shape Baking Tin
Long lasting
KSh450.00 – KSh1,100.00Heart Shape Baking Tin
KSh450.00 – KSh1,100.00 -
Black Treacle
- Black treacle is a thick, dark, sugar syrup containing molasses to create a somewhat bitter flavor.
- Black treacle is a crystallized syrup made during the refinement of sugar. Usually used in baking as a sweetener,
- It is used to give a rich, caramel flavor to sticky toffee pudding, ginger cakes, fruit cakes
- Use Black treacle as a sweetener in cakes bread, toffee, biscuits, sauces, and casseroles
- 500gms
KSh300.00Black Treacle
KSh300.00 -
KSh230.00 – KSh400.00
Push Easy Cutters Uppercase
- The cookie stamp impress are ideal for making cakes, biscuits, chocolate, cake decoration, and marzipan. This cake’s fresh tools will make you enjoy baking and help you make great gifts. It is essential kitchen tools