Colorful Happy Birthday Candles
- Candle Flame Colors: Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Pink And Green flames.
- Made With Non-Toxic, Biodegradable, And Environmentally Friendly Materials
- Perfect for unique cake decor.
KSh150.00Colorful Happy Birthday Candles
KSh150.00 -
Gold Number Candle
- There are a total of 10 Numeral Candles from 0 to 9, and each numeral candle is packaged in a separate PVC box, which effectively reduces damage to the product during transportation.
- The Candle Toppers add a touch of elegance to your celebration, the candlesticks do not destroy the cake.
- It is easy to use
- The Candle Toppers size is approximately 1.8 x 0.79 inches, the stick is approx 1.8 inches in length.
KSh80.00Gold Number Candle
KSh80.00 -
Oh Baby Cake Toppers
- Has a unique design, Perfect for Baby Shower for either a boy or a girl.
- High Quality with the names being written with gold glitter, making them easy to read.
KSh150.00Oh Baby Cake Toppers
KSh150.00 -
Crown Acrylic Happy Birthday Cake Toppers
- They have an elegant design that can match different styles of cakes making them more attractive.
- The Happy Birthday Cake Toppers are suitable for decorating cupcakes and are absolutely perfect for birthdays.
KSh100.00 -
Regular Nozzle Couplers
- The Regular Couplers come in white color and are 3 cm/ 1.2 inch long, and their base’ diameters are 2.5 cm/ 1 inch, fit for standard-size icing nozzles
- The standard coupler fits all decorating bags and standard-size tips
- Helps you change piping tips without unnecessarily wasting bags or frosting
- It’s simple to use just cut a tiny hole in the bag corner, insert this plastic coupler, then attach the tip and screw on the ring, after done, remove the tip and coupler, wash them clean
- The pipe tip couplers are made of quality plastic, with sturdy construction, make you decorate cake and cookie conveniently and quickly
KSh100.00 – KSh200.00Regular Nozzle Couplers
KSh100.00 – KSh200.00 -
8 piece cake decorating tips
- The 8 piece cake decorating tips contains; 1 Reusable Silicone Pastry Bag 10 inch, Bonus – 6 Stainless Steel Icing 6 nozzle tips -1 Coupler.
- Durable and easy to use.
- Easy to clean and is dishwasher safe:
- Ideal for decorating cakes, cupcakes, cookies, candy, fondants, that requires a variety of creams, frostings or fillings.
- The Reusable Cotton pastry bag can support different color icing while decorating cakes or cupcakes.
KSh300.00KSh350.008 piece cake decorating tips
KSh300.00KSh350.00 -
3 piece Scraper Set
- The handy 3 piece Scraper set is great for getting the last of the dough out of a bowl, or for leveling cakes before baking and smoothing icing
- Has an easy grip for ease of use and is dishwasher safe
- Ideal for use with royal icing & buttercream
KSh300.003 piece Scraper Set
KSh300.00 -
Colorful Measuring Cups
- This colorful set of measuring cups features 5 different sizes.
- The stackable space-saving design allows you to nest the 5 measuring cups . Each cup will fit inside a larger one, reducing the total size to a minimum.
- The cups can be used to measure dry and liquid ingredients Ideal for baking cakes, cookies, and bread.
- Each cup has easy to read markings on the handgrip in US cup or US tablespoon units as well as milliliters.
- The measuring cups are dishwasher safe, but they can not be used in a microwave or oven.
KSh250.00Colorful Measuring Cups
KSh250.00 -
Edible Graduation hat
- Edible Graduation hat is made of edible fondant
KSh300.00 – KSh350.00Edible Graduation hat
KSh300.00 – KSh350.00 -
Square Cake Dummies
- The Square Cake Dummies are great for practicing and displaying cake decorations.
- Can be used instead of a real cake to add an inexpensive layer to a tiered wedding cake.
- Made from high-quality polystyrene bead foam.
- The smooth edges and light polystyrene allow one to place down your fondant and other materials over the edge.
- Prevents long-lasting waste and saves time and effort with practice that’s affordable and easy to manipulate
- Can be washed and reused to redecorate for another occasion.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00Square Cake Dummies
KSh200.00 – KSh1,200.00 -
34 piece decorating cake turntable
The 34 piece decorating cake turntable includes: Cake Turntable,1 Icing Spatula,24 Stainless Icing Tip,1 Pastry Bags,1 Cake Brush,1 Cake Cutter,1 Cake Pen,3 Cake Scrapers used for making some great recipes of cakes, cupcakes, donuts, pastries, and cookies.
KSh2,300.0034 piece decorating cake turntable
KSh2,300.00 -
5 piece kitchen utensil
The 5 piece kitchen utensil includes:
- Spatula, Spoon, Basting brush, Egg whisk, and slotted turner
- It has a hygienic solid coating – no room for bacteria to grow
- Won’t break, rust, or stick – dishwasher and oven safe
- They are heat, stain, and odor resistant for lasting quality and condition
- The handles are well designed for optimal comfort
KSh1,000.005 piece kitchen utensil