Ustam Pastry Margarine
- Ustam is a general purpose patisserie margarine.
- Ustam adds perfect taste and quality to products.
- Products must be kept in room temperature (16-20 degrees), and must never be stored under the oven.
KSh800.00Ustam Pastry Margarine
KSh800.00 -
Fancy Cupcake Wrappers
The wrappers bottom diameter is 1.9”, high is 1.9”, top diameter is 3.1”, suitable most cupcakes.
KSh300.00Fancy Cupcake Wrappers
KSh300.00 -
Plastic Crimper
If your cake board is covered in fondant, you can use crimpers to create patterns on it. It’s a great way to decorate a cake board.
KSh100.00Plastic Crimper
KSh100.00 -
Gold Cake Stands
Clear glass top covering, one can twist the base on the plates, peel off white paper and stick the adhesive felt onto the base. Fragile product, please exercise caution and care when unboxing.
KSh11,000.00Gold Cake Stands
KSh11,000.00 -
Pradip Gel Colors
Comes in different colors for one to choose from
KSh370.00Pradip Gel Colors
KSh370.00 -
Blue Scalloped Cake Boards Round:
Cake base boards are made of premium cardboard paper; no need to worry about extra cleanup, easily dispose after use.
KSh30.00 – KSh40.00Blue Scalloped Cake Boards Round:
KSh30.00 – KSh40.00