Pradip Caramel Cream Clear
Pradip Caramel Cream Clear can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh170.00Pradip Caramel Cream Clear
KSh170.00 -
Pradip Caramel Essence Dark
Pradip Caramel Essence Dark can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh150.00 – KSh650.00Pradip Caramel Essence Dark
KSh150.00 – KSh650.00 -
Pradip Lemon Oil
Pradip Lemon Oil Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh200.00Pradip Lemon Oil
KSh200.00 -
Pradip Lemon Dark
Pradip Lemon Dark Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh190.00Pradip Lemon Dark
KSh190.00 -
Pradip Lemon Clear
Pradip Lemon Clear Essence can be added to the water being steeped to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh190.00 – KSh1,500.00Pradip Lemon Clear
KSh190.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
Pradip Chocolate Essence
Pradip Chocolate Essence will enhance your premixes for the chocolate flavor in your brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,700.00Pradip Chocolate Essence
KSh200.00 – KSh1,700.00 -
Pradip Coconut Essence
Pradip Coconut Essence will add a unique coconut flavor taste to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and whipping cream both dairy and non-dairy.
KSh170.00Pradip Coconut Essence
KSh170.00 -
Pradip Vanilla Essence Clear
Pradip Vanilla Essence Clear can be added to the water being steeped for the dessert. Vanilla extract is a stronger, liquid form of the flavoring and is often used to flavor brownies, cookies, and a variety of cakes.
KSh170.00 – KSh1,700.00Pradip Vanilla Essence Clear
KSh170.00 – KSh1,700.00 -
Chamdor Sparkling Wine
- It uses only the highest quality of the Chenin Blanc and Muscat varieties from the vineyards in the Robertson wine district.
- The grapes have a high sugar concentration and low acidity, making the drink smooth, sweet and sensational.
KSh900.00Chamdor Sparkling Wine
KSh900.00 -
6 hole cupcake boxes brown
- In order to keep your delicious cupcakes fresh and moist until they’re ready to eat, we chose high-quality kraft paper to make these cupcake containers.
- It’s easy to present the fancy cupcakes and goodies through the big clear window on the top of the cake box, without exposing it to the air.
- The boxes and inserts are folded flat for storage and assemble easily, saving your precious time.
- In consideration of environmental protection, each transport can also be recycled when done.
KSh55.006 hole cupcake boxes brown
KSh55.00 -
Polka Dotted Happy Birthday Candles
- Polka Dotted Happy Birthday Candles can be mixed to the different bold colors and styles on your cake or baked good for some extra colorful fun
- Great to use for any cakes, cookies, and other baked goods
- The Candles come 12 in a pack;
- Colors are purple, pink, yellow, green, orange and blue
KSh150.00Polka Dotted Happy Birthday Candles