Rejuvenator Spirit
It has a variety of uses, mixes with colorings easily to create a paint, and dries on the surface of your icing very quickly. This has the advantage that you can add further layers to your painting without delay. It is excellent for diluting and thinning.
KSh350.00Rejuvenator Spirit
KSh350.00 -
Cotton Piping Bags
Popularly used for decorating cakes, cupcakes, cookies, the possibilities are endless.
KSh300.00 – KSh450.00Cotton Piping Bags
KSh300.00 – KSh450.00 -
Super Veg Vanilla Eggless
INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, sugar, Milk solids, Wheat starch, Emulsifiers, Raising agents, Dextrose, Stabilizer, Salt, Flavoring (Vanilla)
KSh1,150.00Super Veg Vanilla Eggless
KSh1,150.00 -
Silicone Piping Bags
Durable silicone cake decorating bags are designed for repeated use. But to decorate cakes with your kids and friends with different icing colors or decorating patterns, you may need more than one piping bags.
KSh150.00 – KSh300.00Silicone Piping Bags
KSh150.00 – KSh300.00 -
Craft cake boxes
Beautiful transparent side window on each side or closed sides.
KSh200.00 – KSh450.00Craft cake boxes
KSh200.00 – KSh450.00 -
2 in 1 Silicone Mould
Easy to disassemble and has a non-stick surface, which makes it easy to remove from the mold. Can be used in ovens, microwaves, refrigerators and dishwashers.
KSh400.002 in 1 Silicone Mould
KSh400.00 -
6 in 1 Silicone Mold
Carefully made of Food Grade Soft Silicone, eco-friendly and easy to carefully clean.
KSh800.006 in 1 Silicone Mold
KSh800.00 -
Opal Pastry Margarine
100% vegetable margarine with excellent plasticity and freezer compatibility. Perfectly suited for craftsmen making high quality laminated pastry looking to improve their enterprise.
KSh900.00Opal Pastry Margarine
KSh900.00 -
Cake sickle Mold
Comes in both 3 hole and 4 hole.
KSh380.00 – KSh400.00Cake sickle Mold
KSh380.00 – KSh400.00