Brown Kraft Zip Lock Bags
Comes in different sizes
KSh10.00 – KSh35.00Brown Kraft Zip Lock Bags
KSh10.00 – KSh35.00 -
6 hole cupcake boxes brown
- In order to keep your delicious cupcakes fresh and moist until they’re ready to eat, we chose high-quality kraft paper to make these cupcake containers.
- It’s easy to present the fancy cupcakes and goodies through the big clear window on the top of the cake box, without exposing it to the air.
- The boxes and inserts are folded flat for storage and assemble easily, saving your precious time.
- In consideration of environmental protection, each transport can also be recycled when done.
KSh55.006 hole cupcake boxes brown
KSh55.00 -
Thin Gold Round Cake Boards
These gold round thin boards look extremely elegant and are a great alternative from the usual white boards. They can also compliment your cakes if you have used gold to decorate it.
KSh15.00 – KSh130.00Thin Gold Round Cake Boards
KSh15.00 – KSh130.00 -
Hot Pack Rectangular Baking Mold
This baking mold is dishwasher safe and easy to clean.KSh50.00Hot Pack Rectangular Baking Mold
KSh50.00 -
Edible sugar pearls
- Edible sugar pearls are used for your cupcakes, cake pops, cutout cookies.
- Comes in different colors and size
KSh100.00Edible sugar pearls
KSh100.00 -
Round Gold Scalloped Boards
- Never fear dropping your cake again with this sturdy corrugated single wall circle cake tray. The corrugated cardboard brings strength to the base for all kinds of cakes. The lamination prevents absorption and keeps the tray dry and sturdy so as not to bend moving your cake.
KSh35.00 – KSh100.00Round Gold Scalloped Boards
KSh35.00 – KSh100.00 -