Bluebead Whipped Cream Powder
Available in 1 kg
KSh1,100.00Bluebead Whipped Cream Powder
KSh1,100.00 -
Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
available in 500 g
KSh550.00Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
KSh550.00 -
Puratos whippak whipping cream
Puratos whippak whipping cream is the perfect base to make your own customized fillings, like for example, diplomat cream or the perfect chocolate mousse. When blended with dairy cream, Whippak adds extra stability and performance. Of course, Whippak can also be used pure, either as a filling or as decoration.
Before use, chill the product for at least 12hours. The product can be used on its own or mixed with sugar or cold milk. It is a non-dairy cream with a neutral taste which never conflicts with the taste of your flavoring agents.
KSh700.00Puratos whippak whipping cream
KSh700.00 -
Puratos Ambiante cream
Puratos Ambiante cream is a non-dairy cream designed for extra stable cake decorations.
Its sweetness, white color, and smooth texture makes it ideal for finished goods decorations can for several days
Chill before use and whip at a medium speed to achieve the desired consistency.
KSh750.00Puratos Ambiante cream
KSh750.00 -
Pristine cream
- Pristine cream is used in decorating cakes, filling pastries, and easy to add fruit, flavors, and nuts. Before use chill between 7-10 degrees celsius. Whip at medium speed.
- Do not keep finished cakes and desserts near a fan or open windows.
- Whip product for a longer or shorter duration to achieve different textures.
- Smooth over finished cakes with a hot palette knife to increase shine.
KSh600.00Pristine cream