Elly’s Eggless Tempting Chocolate Cake Mix
Available in 1 kg
KSh900.00 -
Elly’s Eggless Blue Velvet Cake Mix
Available 1 kg
KSh900.00Elly’s Eggless Blue Velvet Cake Mix
KSh900.00 -
Fondant Extruder
A variety of different carving shapes and sizes to meet all your needs in craft project. Best tools for new beginner.
KSh600.00Fondant Extruder
KSh600.00 -
Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
available in 500 g
KSh550.00Powdered Bakeland Frosty Filling
KSh550.00 -
Sugarflair 24 Carat Gold Leaf Transfer
Comes in one sheet
KSh600.00Sugarflair 24 Carat Gold Leaf Transfer
KSh600.00 -
Rendez Vous Non Alcoholic Wine
Available in different Flavors
KSh450.00Rendez Vous Non Alcoholic Wine
KSh450.00 -
Eurocas Blueberry Filling (2.6 Kg)
Available in 2.6 kg
KSh2,200.00Eurocas Blueberry Filling (2.6 Kg)
KSh2,200.00 -
Pradip Butterscotch Flavor
Its highly concentrated making it suitable for baking delicious cakes, chocolates and desserts.
KSh230.00Pradip Butterscotch Flavor
KSh230.00 -
Zesta Icing Sugar
Used in making frostings for beautifully iced cakes, dusted fruits and glazed desserts.
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00Zesta Icing Sugar
KSh1,400.00 – KSh2,700.00 -