KSL icing sugar
- Combines easily & dissolves instantly.
- Ideal for preparing rich and smooth icings for cakes and pastries and for the decoration of cakes and desserts.
KSh145.00 – KSh3,700.00KSL icing sugar
KSh145.00 – KSh3,700.00 -
Pradip Blueberry Clear
The offered essence is the premium quality of flavoring agent that is widely used in the bakery, chocolates, desserts and many others.
The essence is specially formulated for various food items to make them more delightful.
It is packed in clear plastic container and the lid shrink wrapped.
KSh210.00Pradip Blueberry Clear
KSh210.00 -
Pradip Passion Dark
These flavors are natural and unsweetened; intended for creative foodies and health-conscious folks; add clean gourmet-quality undertones to your favorite beverages, baking projects, dressings, sauces; create your own blends too
KSh190.00Pradip Passion Dark
KSh190.00 -
Pradip Passion Clear
Essences add unique flavour to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, juices, sauces, yogurt, smoothies or milkshakes and whipping cream both dairy and non dairy.
KSh170.00Pradip Passion Clear
KSh170.00 -
Pradip Pinacolada
Essences add unique flavour to your cakes, cookies, cupcakes, juices, sauces, yogurt, smoothies or milkshakes and whipping cream both dairy and non dairy.
KSh180.00Pradip Pinacolada
KSh180.00 -
Pradip Orange Oil
The essence is specially formulated for various food items to make them more delightful.
KSh270.00 – KSh1,900.00Pradip Orange Oil
KSh270.00 – KSh1,900.00 -
Pradip Glycerine
Glycerine is a sweet colourless and odourless lid\quid. it’s syrupy form makes it a handy ingredient when making fondant as it keeps it soft and pliable.
KSh180.00 – KSh600.00Pradip Glycerine
KSh180.00 – KSh600.00 -
Sugar flair Edible Lustre Dust
Brush onto sugar flowers to give a truly realistic appearance, or to fully color or highlight surface decoration. They are packed in a 2g vialsPowder color can also be used to color sugar paste, Royal icing White Chocolate and brushing onto sugar work and in particular flowers.KSh500.00Sugar flair Edible Lustre Dust
KSh500.00 -
Blue Bead Sauce
Available in two flavors:
KSh330.00 – KSh750.00Blue Bead Sauce
KSh330.00 – KSh750.00 -
pradip peppermint essence
Pradip Peppermint Essence/ Flavour / Flavor is a highly concentrated food flavor or essence with perfect taste and smell.
Available in 50 ml
KSh320.00pradip peppermint essence
KSh320.00 -
Puratos Brillo Neutral Glaze
Brilllo is ready to use, has great consistency and you can color and flavor it as you like.
KSh730.00Puratos Brillo Neutral Glaze
KSh730.00 -
Puratos Mixed Berry Filling
Puratos Plus Mixed Berry contains 40% berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries) and is a ready-to-use filling for sweet goods.
KSh150.00 – KSh500.00Puratos Mixed Berry Filling
KSh150.00 – KSh500.00