Sugarflair Paste Colour Pastel -DAFFODIL 25g
- 25 g
- Daffodil Color
- Nut Free
- Gluten-Free
- GM Free
- Suitable for Vegetarians
KSh400.00 -
Black Treacle
- Black treacle is a thick, dark, sugar syrup containing molasses to create a somewhat bitter flavor.
- Black treacle is a crystallized syrup made during the refinement of sugar. Usually used in baking as a sweetener,
- It is used to give a rich, caramel flavor to sticky toffee pudding, ginger cakes, fruit cakes
- Use Black treacle as a sweetener in cakes bread, toffee, biscuits, sauces, and casseroles
- 500gms
KSh300.00Black Treacle
KSh300.00 -
Clovers Castor Sugar
It is not for I icing, frosting or buttercream.
KSh140.00 – KSh3,450.00Clovers Castor Sugar
KSh140.00 – KSh3,450.00 -
KSh150.00 – KSh1,200.00
Chocolate Strand Vermicelli
KSh150.00 – KSh1,200.00 -
Colored Vermicelli Strands
Rainbow vermicelli, also known as rainbow sugar strands. Perfect for adding that splash of rainbow colour to your much-loved home bakes – including cupcakes, cakes, and puddings. These decorations are great for sprinkling on anything that needs a little rainbow color – like summer ice creams!
KSh150.00 – KSh1,200.00Colored Vermicelli Strands
KSh150.00 – KSh1,200.00 -
Mixed Peel
- Mixed peel is basically candied lemon and orange peel, essentially syrup-soaked citrus rind.
- Has a strong flavor balanced by an intense, sugary sweetness
- Used in baked goods, especially fruitcakes, traditional British Christmas pudding, and mince pies.
- You can enhance many baked goods, such as bread, scones, muffins, coffee cake, and cookies, with just a little mixed peel for a touch of citrus flavor.
KSh150.00 – KSh1,250.00Mixed Peel
KSh150.00 – KSh1,250.00 -
Glazed Green Cherries
Sweet taste.
KSh180.00 – KSh1,500.00Glazed Green Cherries
KSh180.00 – KSh1,500.00 -
Glaced Red Cherries
sweet in nature.
KSh160.00 – KSh1,450.00Glaced Red Cherries
KSh160.00 – KSh1,450.00 -
Blueberry Filling
Has a natural taste
KSh300.00 – KSh10,000.00Blueberry Filling
KSh300.00 – KSh10,000.00