Easy Bake Supplies Limited
Lightning McQueen topper
Disney’s Lightning McQueen cake topper. Perfect, recommended, for a birthday child.
KSh150.00Lightning McQueen topper
KSh150.00 -
Doughnut Cutter
Easily washed in the sink or in the dishwasher. It is recommended to dry with a clean cloth after cleaning.
KSh150.00KSh300.00Doughnut Cutter
KSh150.00KSh300.00 -
Fondant Embosser
Can be used for one piece cut outs, applique, decoupage, side embossing and simple patterning.These cookie cutters act as your guide to make professional looking and decorated cookies every time.KSh150.00Fondant Embosser
KSh150.00 -
Dark Chocolate Chips
Organic Dark Chocolate Chips (70% cocoa) have a lovely rich, smooth dark chocolate flavor. Perfect for cooking, baking, and adding to desserts.
KSh150.00 – KSh1,200.00Dark Chocolate Chips
KSh150.00 – KSh1,200.00 -
Flower Nail (7.5cm/3Inch)
- Flower Nail is a handy metal tool used to create the gorgeous buttercream flowers that decorate your favorite cakes.
- Can also use the flower nail to bake perfect cakes.
KSh150.00Flower Nail (7.5cm/3Inch)
KSh150.00 -
Oh Baby Cake Toppers
- Has a unique design, Perfect for Baby Shower for either a boy or a girl.
- High Quality with the names being written with gold glitter, making them easy to read.
KSh150.00Oh Baby Cake Toppers
KSh150.00 -
Colorful Happy Birthday Candles
- Candle Flame Colors: Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Pink And Green flames.
- Made With Non-Toxic, Biodegradable, And Environmentally Friendly Materials
- Perfect for unique cake decor.
KSh150.00Colorful Happy Birthday Candles
KSh150.00 -
Polka Dotted Happy Birthday Candles
- Polka Dotted Happy Birthday Candles can be mixed to the different bold colors and styles on your cake or baked good for some extra colorful fun
- Great to use for any cakes, cookies, and other baked goods
- The Candles come 12 in a pack;
- Colors are purple, pink, yellow, green, orange and blue
KSh150.00Polka Dotted Happy Birthday Candles