Easy Bake Supplies Limited
White Chandellier Cake Stands ( 3 Piece )
KSh11,000.00 -
Artist Brush 10 pieces
These craft paint brushes can be applied with acrylic paint, watercolor, oil, gouache paint, suitable for classroom supplies, painting class, birthday, festival parties, nail, face painting, canvas painting, fabric, rock, miniature, model, ceramics, arts and crafts painting.
KSh200.00Artist Brush 10 pieces
KSh200.00 -
Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)
Stability in the cooking and freezing processes.No artificial flavors and no artificial colors.KSh880.00Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)
KSh880.00 -
Puratos Purple Velvet ( 1 kg)
Made with Natural Colors.
KSh1,000.00Puratos Purple Velvet ( 1 kg)
KSh1,000.00 -
Leaves Pink Shape
These molds are safe to use in ovens, microwaves, dishwasher, and refrigerator.
KSh250.00Leaves Pink Shape
KSh250.00 -
8 Even Leaves Silicone Mold
Flexible, nonstick, easy to release.
KSh350.008 Even Leaves Silicone Mold
KSh350.00 -
Unicorn Horn
Dimensions: 10 x 4 cmTip: For a easy release, put the mold in a freezer for about 30 seconds, or bit longer if needed. Once the gum paste has hardened up a bit, turn the mold over, and the figurine should pop out easily.KSh450.00Unicorn Horn