Easy Bake Supplies Limited
Fancy cupcake cases
A fabulous fancy cupcake case selection of cupcake cases and muffin cases, including metallic and foil cupcake cases perfect for any occasion. If your party has a theme, take a look at our patterned cupcake cases featuring themes such as Star Wars, superheroes, and princesses – perfect for children’s birthday cakes. We also have a range of cupcake accessories and cake pop accessories, including sprinkles, candy melts, cupcake boxes, and piping bags. If you’re looking for something a bit different to your standard cake cases, why not pick up some cupcake wrappers or baking cups! Take a look at our range of cupcake tins and muffin tins for baking your small cakes and pies in.
KSh300.00Fancy cupcake cases
KSh300.00 -
Clover Pure Glucose 500g
Clover pure glucose Powder is a premium, natural powder free of artificial colors and flavors.
Glucose Powder is very versatile, used as a sweetener it will improve the flavor, texture, and stability of many foods and will improve the shelf life of baked goods.
It has a moderate sweet taste (70% as sweet as sugar) and can be used in a variety of baking products. For stabilizing ice creams/sorbets, make syrup and jam, and increase the shelf life of baked goods including cakes, desserts, confectionery, preserves, and jam making.
When you replace glucose syrup for glucose powder, use 75g of glucose powder instead of 100g of glucose syrup.
KSh220.00Clover Pure Glucose 500g
KSh220.00 -
Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3
Snowflake Plunger Cutters is ideal for making decorations or cupcake toppers for Christmas or winter-themed cakes. This set of 3 snowflake cutters will allow you to make snowflakes of different sizes and the plungers make them so easy to use! These cutters can be used with sugar paste (ready to roll icing or fondant), marzipan, or even claydough. Why not use a lustre dust or spray on your snowflakes to make them sparkle and shimmer.
25mm, 40mm, 55mmKSh200.00Snowflake Plunger Cutters, Set of 3
KSh200.00 -
Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
Alphabet cutters great for home baking DIY with your families, A to Z alphabet and exclamation mark for any age and any name you like. The letters include all 26 letters, 0-9 numbers and symbols &, !, ?, #.
KSh450.00Alphabet/Number Cut-outs
KSh450.00 -
Bakers Mix
Our Baker’s Mix is a must-have baking ingredient.
This selection of quality seedless raisins, currents, and sultanas are all you need to add a touch of juicy sweetness to your carrot cake, health bars, rusks, and can be used to make tasty hot-cross buns or a deliciously dense and rich fruit cake to celebrate the festive seasons.
KSh250.00 – KSh850.00Bakers Mix
KSh250.00 – KSh850.00 -
12 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray
The 12 hole non-stick cupcake tray is used for baking perfect little cupcakes and deep-filled jam tarts.
Constructed from thick commercial-grade carbon steel for incredible durability and will not flake or warp.
With two layers of Quantum II, for outstanding non-stick performance – with no PTFE or BPA
KSh550.00KSh1,150.0012 Hole Non Stick Cupcake Tray
KSh550.00KSh1,150.00 -
Push Easy Cutters Uppercase
- The cookie stamp impress are ideal for making cakes, biscuits, chocolate, cake decoration, and marzipan. This cake’s fresh tools will make you enjoy baking and help you make great gifts. It is essential kitchen tools