Easy Bake Supplies Limited
Stainless Steel 10 L Mixer Stand Alone
KSh58,000.00 -
Sugar flair Edible Lustre Dust
Brush onto sugar flowers to give a truly realistic appearance, or to fully color or highlight surface decoration. They are packed in a 2g vialsPowder color can also be used to color sugar paste, Royal icing White Chocolate and brushing onto sugar work and in particular flowers.KSh500.00Sugar flair Edible Lustre Dust
KSh500.00 -
Spiderman with Bottom with Base
Comes with a large base to provide an excellent support for your topper
KSh450.00Spiderman with Bottom with Base
KSh450.00 -
Avengers 4 Piece Set Figurines
Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk 4 Action Figure will do the work for you.KSh800.00Avengers 4 Piece Set Figurines
KSh800.00 -
6 Piece Set Engineering Truck (Each)
There are 6 different types of vehicles for you to décor your cake, such as forklift, bulldozer, excavator, driller and some other construction vehicles, so you can choose according to your preference.
KSh100.006 Piece Set Engineering Truck (Each)
KSh100.00 -