Easy Bake Supplies Limited
Puratos Brillo Neutral Glaze
Brilllo is ready to use, has great consistency and you can color and flavor it as you like.
KSh730.00Puratos Brillo Neutral Glaze
KSh730.00 -
Fondo Roll
Has a control elasticity to handle easily even upon covering large surfaces. Keeps structure upon cooling over night.
KSh750.00Fondo Roll
KSh750.00 -
52 Piece Cake Decorating Set
Suitable for most people
52 different types of cake nozzles
KSh800.0052 Piece Cake Decorating Set
KSh800.00 -
Ustam Pastry Margarine
- Ustam is a general purpose patisserie margarine.
- Ustam adds perfect taste and quality to products.
- Products must be kept in room temperature (16-20 degrees), and must never be stored under the oven.
KSh800.00Ustam Pastry Margarine
KSh800.00 -
6 in 1 Silicone Mold
Carefully made of Food Grade Soft Silicone, eco-friendly and easy to carefully clean.
KSh800.006 in 1 Silicone Mold
KSh800.00 -
Avengers 4 Piece Set Figurines
Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk 4 Action Figure will do the work for you.KSh800.00Avengers 4 Piece Set Figurines
KSh800.00 -
52 Piece Cake Decorating Set
It comes with 48 nozzles
1 Silicone Piping Bag
2 Couplers
1 Clear Container
KSh800.0052 Piece Cake Decorating Set
KSh800.00 -
RoHS Weighing Scale (10 Kg)
The petite baking scales turn off automatically after two minutes of inactivity which prolongs the life of replaceable AAA batteries. The LCD makes the weight readable.
KSh800.00RoHS Weighing Scale (10 Kg)
KSh800.00 -
Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)
Stability in the cooking and freezing processes.No artificial flavors and no artificial colors.KSh880.00Passion Fruit Filling (1 kg)