Easy Bake Supplies Limited
Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
This Mold is a very versatile mold, suitable for ice-creams and baked creations.
KSh300.00Double Heart Mold (15 Hole)
KSh300.00 -
Cake Leveler
No need to remove unnecessary wires, just raise it to the top. It can be sliced directly, is well made and adjustable, and you can trim and bake at the same time.Heavy duty and sharp cake slicer, keep it tight enough, and keep the blade in the whole place, it is easy to clean it. Before and after each use, clean with a soft damp cloth.KSh1,800.00Cake Leveler
KSh1,800.00 -
Flour Sieve Shaker Cup
Stainless steel fine mesh, high efficiency, not afraid of flour splashing.
KSh450.00Flour Sieve Shaker Cup
KSh450.00 -
Wedding Server Set with clear handle
Set Includes an 13 inch Knife and a 10 3/4 inch Server.
KSh600.00Wedding Server Set with clear handle
KSh600.00 -
Rose/ Heart/ Bow Gift Mold 24 Hole
Has three designs which you can choose from
KSh300.00Rose/ Heart/ Bow Gift Mold 24 Hole
KSh300.00 -
Silicone Egg Lollipop Mold
Has two different designs in one mold
KSh250.00Silicone Egg Lollipop Mold
KSh250.00 -
Chefmaster Airbrush Gold
Achieve an endless spectrum of magnificent colors with these intermixable airbrush colors.
KSh450.00Chefmaster Airbrush Gold