Easy Bake Supplies Limited
Rejuvenator Spirit
It has a variety of uses, mixes with colorings easily to create a paint, and dries on the surface of your icing very quickly. This has the advantage that you can add further layers to your painting without delay. It is excellent for diluting and thinning.
KSh350.00Rejuvenator Spirit
KSh350.00 -
Potassium Sorbate
Comes in different quantities.
KSh200.00 – KSh2,300.00Potassium Sorbate
KSh200.00 – KSh2,300.00 -
Plastic Cake Dowels
Available in three sizes:3.5 Inch/9 cm4.6 Inch/126.3 Inch/16KSh50.00 – KSh80.00Plastic Cake Dowels
KSh50.00 – KSh80.00 -
Peony Edible Flowers
Come in 4 different colors:
Red, Peach, Gold and White.
KSh320.00Peony Edible Flowers
KSh320.00 -
Sunflower Plunger Cutter
Has different sizes for awesome shape making
KSh200.00Sunflower Plunger Cutter
KSh200.00 -
Stainless Measuring Cups and Spoons
- 5 measuring cups: ⅛ Cup (30ml), ¼ Cup (60ml), ⅓ Cup (80ml) & ½ Cup (125ml), 1 Cup (250ml)
- 5 measuring spoons: ¼ Tsp(1.25ml), ½ Tsp(2.5ml), 1 Tsp(5ml), ½ Tbsp(7.5ml), 1 Tbsp(15ml)
KSh1,400.00Stainless Measuring Cups and Spoons
KSh1,400.00 -
Diamond plunger cutter
Comes in 4 pieces for unique shapes
KSh200.00Diamond plunger cutter
KSh200.00 -
Cotton Piping Bags
Popularly used for decorating cakes, cupcakes, cookies, the possibilities are endless.
KSh300.00 – KSh450.00Cotton Piping Bags
KSh300.00 – KSh450.00 -
Super Veg Vanilla Eggless
INGREDIENTS: wheat flour, sugar, Milk solids, Wheat starch, Emulsifiers, Raising agents, Dextrose, Stabilizer, Salt, Flavoring (Vanilla)
KSh1,150.00Super Veg Vanilla Eggless